Friday, March 1, 2019

Make this your year. LOVE

Let this year be your year ...
- to let go of energies not serving you. That means people, places, and things. You are not a tree. You don't have to stay where you are indefinitely. All things are cyclical and if something has come to the end of its cycle, wish it well and move forward.
- to stop worrying and caring about things that don't matter. That means if the thing you're worried about isn't going to matter in 7 days or 7 months then stop giving it energy right now. Only worry about things that truly matter.
- to have boundaries. People can have part of you but not all of you. And you decide how far in you let people. If someone is hurting you, tighten up their access. No one should have all of you but you.
- to embrace who you are and shine brightly. Not everyone is going to like you or agree with you. But that doesn't mean you don't have an absolute divine right to be who you are and express yourself fully in the ways you feel called to.
- to give up judging other people and making assumptions about who they are or what they should be doing to please you. Other people are not here to fix you or solve your problems, or to live or be the way you think they should. Focus on yourself. You are the only person you can change.
- to tame your mind. Racing thoughts? Thank them and release them. Your thoughts are not always accurate and your mind is not always your friend. You rule your mind, not the other way around, and sometimes it needs a time out.
- to embrace your dreams. When else are you going to pursue that passion you've had on the back burner forever? Stop making excuses this year. Just do it. You are not going to be more motivated, or younger, or smarter next year.
- to appreciate your body. Your body has gotten you here and it deserves your gratitude. Nourish it with good food and sacred medicine, and stop punishing it and apologizing for it. Give it an orgasm once in a while 🙂. And lots of TLC.
- to love deeply. Touch your spouse more often, hug your kids a little tighter. Forgive more easily. No one needs more harshness in their lives. They need softness and you can offer it, and you should to those who deserve it.
- to completely release the past. Stop carrying that big old suitcase of shit around with you like you're about to board a trauma plane. Why are you still holding on to that shit? I guarantee whoever you are resentful of or angry at has already moved on. And so should you.
- to heal your inner child. Maybe your parents screwed up everything for you. Maybe they did. But you are the grownup now. Your house, your rules. And that inner child inside of you needs only YOUR loving attention, no one else's, in order to heal.
- to stop making your problems other people's problems. In fact, I'd urge you to stop playing the old record of your problems over and over. Pick a new song. Write a new one.
- to live with intention. Every day, choose an intention for the day and live it boldly. What is your intention right now? Speak it and embody it.

Make this your year ❤ The commitment begins now, and the results will change your life. Amen, A'ho, So it is.

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