Sunday, June 9, 2019


The moon is the closest planet to earth and literally moves with us – with you, with me – in a sacred dance that unfolds in even, rhythmic cycles mirroring the cycles of your body, the cycles of the harvest and growth of plants and trees, the cycles of life. This intimate dance is what we celebrate when we follow moon phases and honor the waxing and waning of the moon. We say thank you for the pull, the tides, the fullness and the emptiness within and without.
In astrology, we associate the moon with safety and belonging; with emotions and feelings; with feminine mysteries, and how we nurture and receive nurturance. We refer to our “inner lunar landscape” as the emotional, non-rational world of our psyche. The moon encompasses the lunar goddess archetypes in all her forms and faces. She is not just the mother, she is also maiden and crone. She is supportive and caring, yet destructive and devouring.
Grandmother Moon in Native American tradition connects us with the feminine powers of intuition – sensitivity in our bones, ancient knowledge flowing in our blood, our hunches and inner promptings. She stands for inclusion by weaving us all into her monthly cycles and literally stabilizing our planet. It’s difficult to get personal with the sun – even looking at it directly can burn our retinas – and its presence is always the same, even if obscured by clouds. The moon is intrusively personal, changing in presence by the day, and bringing us dependable cycles of day/night, seasons, and even women’s personal moon cycles. In many ways, the moon reflects our reality and relationships in all their phases. How can you embrace your emotions? How can you harness this energy? How can you nurture your inner landscape?

5 steps to embracing your emotions πŸŒ›✨

1) Recognize your feelings

It’s really powerful to own up to your feelings – to understand where they’re coming from and why. This helps you to follow your intuition and live more confidently. Understanding your feelings also helps you recognize which feelings don’t belong to you. If you’re an empathetic person, you’re probably carrying around others’ luggage, which makes it really easy to turn your emotions off. It’s too heavy – you can’t sustain it. And it’s toxic to your own health. You already have enough to worry about, don’t take it upon yourself to carry other people, too. Recognize what’s yours and protect yourself against what isn’t.

2) Write them down

Have you ever emotionally shut down? Gotten so angry to that you physically felt yourself harden? It’s a powerful feeling, but not entirely beneficial. Every feeling has a message and when you close yourself off, you won’t be able to reveal them. A way you can do this, even during those numb moments, is to expose your wounds through words. When you write, your body loosens because you’re physically purging your thoughts and emotions with each letter you jot down. And sometimes, those messages will reveal much more than what initially prompted your frustrations. Keep practicing, and you’ll be able to explore and process those memories that have been buried deep inside.

3) Just say no to distraction

It’s so easy to wrap ourselves up in meaningless activities like scrolling through Instagram and Facebook ten times a day or binging on Netflix shows. However, It’s just as easy to lose ourselves in our work and societal expectations, like birthday parties, networking events, and baby showers. When was the last time you spent the day alone, with just yourself and your thoughts? When was the last time you asked yourself what YOU wanted? When was the last time you said “yes” to something with an open heart instead of fear or obligation? When you distract yourself with activities that aren’t serving your highest good, you’re actively silencing that voice inside of yourself. It’s important to listen to yourself once in a while and try to understand what your spirit needs. Put down your phone, turn off the TV, and shut down your computer. Be patient with yourself if it takes time to hear all the things we work so hard to quit. Breathe, stretch, don’t rush – be kind to yourself.

4) Go love yourself

You heard me. Go love yourself! Sounds simple, but for some of us, self-love is the hardest thing to tap into. Stand in front of the mirror and embrace everything you see, including all you deem as imperfections. You can’t effectively share your love with others if you can’t find love for yourself. Every time you look in the mirror, I challenge you to take a moment and say something positive about yourself. You’re smart. You’re beautiful. You’re special. You’re worthy of this exercise.

5) Accept your feelings

Denying your emotions creates inner turmoil and blinds you of your needs. When you resist your feelings, you create a barrier between your physical and spiritual body. Resisting your feelings also calcifies them which manifests in darker reactions – anger, sadness, anxiety, or even physical sickness. When you accept your feelings, a whole world of possibility opens up for you. You become more connected to yourself, and others as well. The language of your soul speaks through emotions and images that arise from the depths of your being. When you say yes to feeling your feelings, your intuition and creativity abound.  

In Closing

To embrace moon magic is to embrace humanity in all its vulnerability. Are you willing to share your authentic beauty with others? Will you be brave enough to develop a new relationship with your fears and flaws? You have no idea of the power in these actions – to heal the world and help others to do the same. It’s time to reclaim yourself, your emotions, and your place in this world. The moon reflects our inner spirit; the light in the dark. It’s time to become the extraordinary being you are and take your place among the stars.

Saturday, June 1, 2019


The concept that we’re first going to have to grasp before I explain HOW to always make the right decision, is that we don’t always know that the right decision is right. Sometimes, the right decision leads us down a path we didn’t expect, and maybe didn’t even want. Sometimes it leads us to negative results. However, as long as it comes from a certain place – the heart/ the heart-mind – it will never be wrong.
That is because when you act through the heart, you’re acting on the orders of your Higher Self. Acting on the orders of your Higher Self means acting on the whims of an all-powerful, immortal spiritual being that is directly connected to Source Power.
And this is how this will work in your favor.
Sometimes, you ask the universe “I would like (A).”
The universe receives the message and gets things going. The thing is, in order to get to (A), you have to first go through (B) so that you can be prepared. It’s just how the path works. Sometimes, going through (B) is fun, and you can’t even tell you’re going through anything. More often, however, we need more preparation, and (B) could get a little uncomfortable.
When faced with (B), we have to decide how to react. Do we go with our HEART, trust the process, and keep going, keep walking straight, stay the course? OR – do we go with the ego mind, the fear, the primitive and irrational chase for survival? Do we walk away from (B) and try to find an easier way, one that’s more comfortable?
Did I lose you? Basically, what I’m trying to explain is that as long as you listen to your heart and make decisions from your heart, you will never make the wrong decision. The decision you make might take you through a negative course, but that course has been decided for you and is preparing you for everything you’ve always wanted.
Now, how do we do this on a practical level? Let’s say you are faced with a decision. Let’s say that, in theory, you only have two choices.
One choice is self-serving, will be satisfying momentarily, and is made because you are AFRAID of what else could possibly happen.
The other is compassionate, a bit more difficult to make, but comes from good intention overall.
Choosing the compassionate choice in every situation, despite the difficulty, will be the right answer.
Our heart is compassionate. Our heart understands the path we need to take. Our ego-mind is scared – it is scared of death. It is scared of being found out. It is scared of being wrong. It is scared of being vulnerable.
All this fear only exists in the ego, not in the mind.
Making decisions based on fear just doesn’t work.
Think back to all the times you made a decision that you thought was a good one, but was definitely based on fear – a fear of rejection, or anything.
Usually, those decisions just don’t lead us to the right place.
Make the decision that comes from the heart. It might be hard, but it feels good because it has seeped in truth, transparency, honesty, and purity.
Watch as you come into alignment, and your reality syncs up with that alignment. Watch as a more beautiful life unfolds.
Your gut is your second brain. Your heart is the main brain. Our brain is often saturated with ego. 
Hope you have a blessed day. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Dear ONE

Conventional psychology doesn’t accept that we are multi-dimensional. If you walk into a psychiatrist office and tell them that you have been having clairvoyant experiences or past life visions most likely they will want to medicate you. We live in a society that aims to suppress symptoms because things of this nature are immediately labeled as negative and unhealthy. In my personal life, I have experienced exactly the opposite.... these moments where time and space seem to disappear and I feel an overwhelming sense of oneness with all that is- these moments where divine insight floods into my consciousness... these experiences invigorate and enliven me! Language, symbols and artwork from higher dimensional realms. These experiences help shape the passionate soul that I am. I rarely share these experiences with loved ones simply because it is sacred to me but also because I could never explain it to someone who just doesn’t get it. But I am confident that many of you have had similar experiences and I’d love if you’d share them below... perhaps to help others reading them, feel less isolated in their spiritual journey. .
Quantum physics and our insight into the mind body soul connection is reaching a point where we truly can explain that telepathy is real, for those who need hard scientific proof. We are alive in a hologram full of pulsing energy. We can heal. But it must require integration of all aspects of ourselves, including the spiritual. Many of us are awakened to the illusion and now the rest of the world must catch up. Time doesn’t exist. This soul is eternal. Experiences are infinite and we are multidimensional.

Blessings Dear ONE

Sunday, March 24, 2019


What are you grateful for? How often do you practice gratitude? How do you practice gratitude? Practicing gratitude allows us to welcome positive thoughts, which makes us happier and healthier. Gratitude changes the heart’s rhythm faster than any other positive reaction or feeling, and when we vibrate with the energy of gratitude, we impact those around us. When you feel and express gratitude for something, you honor, emanate, and magnetize it. In a profoundly beautiful way, your thankfulness is the affirmation of life, creation, and creator. Here are 10 ways to practice spiritual gratitude:
1) Be open to the intention and act of Gratia
Gratia is the root of Grace which is beautifully associated with the Christian concept of redemption and forgiveness. In Latin, its meaning expands to include the concept of a free gift or favor, and also a blessing. Gratia is an offering, which is the fundamental principle of Sage Goddess: to give and receive fully and abundantly and be in Divine flow. Giving and gifting are sacred practices in any form. I like to use the metaphor of planting seeds without any expectation of growth – planting for the sake of sowing and offering nourishment to the Earth alone. That is Gratia. And it’s as much about the intention as it is about the act.
2) Be open to receiving
When you fully receive the gifts of each moment, and the beauty in all that surrounds you, life gives you more of these very things, and so much more. Gratitude is more than a simple, “Thank you”; it is the powerful opening of your heart to receive your blessings. And the more you open to receiving, the more your blessings abound. It is no secret that what you send out into the Universe comes back to you, in equal proportion, creating a snowball effect, collecting more and more substance and momentum.
3) Accept gifts with authenticity
If you offer someone compassion, a helping hand, or a home cooked meal, it is hollow without genuine acceptance. And acceptance goes beyond the offering – it translates into the acceptance of our interconnectedness, inherent value, and a United Spirit. Every prayer, heartfelt moment, second of acknowledgment, and authentic praise makes a difference, raises the vibration, and releases a magical shower of shimmering light upon us all.
4) Have faith
As the Native Americans have done for ages, we can pray in gratitude, from a place of fullness and wholeness, that attracts the very things we seek. This requires coming from a place of trust in already having exactly what you need, even if you cannot see or feel it, yet. When you are ready to receive, you will. Everything is available here and now.
5) Commit to action
Spend time actively listening to others. Gratitude needs to move toward action because the Universe acts when we act. It’s a constant cycle of action, reaction, action, and more reaction. When we take a step that honors or symbolizes what we appreciate in our lives, we co-create more of what we love, more of what we value. Being in gratitude is important; acting in gratitude is powerful.
6) Incorporate green aventurine into your practice
Green aventurine is the stone of prosperity, fertility, growth, and abundance. Having a tangible representation of gratitude will help you focus your energy and attention to harness all the energy and property this juicy stone carries. Gratitude is not so elusive when it becomes part of your routine. Remember that no matter what the day brings you, there is always something to be grateful for!
7) Create a winter altar to honor the departed
Winter is the time for rest and retreat. It’s a time to meditate on our past accomplishments and look forward to the new year on the horizon. It’s also the perfect time to honor our ancestors with rituals of gratitude for more abundance. Place a glass jar in the center of your altar offerings. Write down passing memories of your departed loved ones on slips of paper and place it in the jar, saying a prayer in gratitude for their time on Earth. Allow any guests in your space to contribute their own memories to the jar. At the end of the year, gather around candlelight and share these memories aloud with your loved ones to celebrate the connections you shared with those who have passed on.
8) Be present
Make the most of every moment. Being present and mindful reminds us of the fleeting nature of life, and pulls us to feel gratitude for every blessing we are given. Mindfulness teaches us to accept ourselves and all our emotions, to feel them, to let our thoughts pass through the mind objectively, all while being consciously aware. To live in a state of enlightened mindfulness is to just be. Without judging yourself or anyone else. Being mindful and present is one of the greatest acts of gratitude because it allows you to appreciate yourself and your surroundings with patience, compassion, and awareness.
9) Choose silence and meditate
Silence can be louder than words. When you meditate in silence, you are able to listen to the voice of your Higher Self. And when you heed your own advice or the advice of your spirit guides who come to you in meditation, you’re honoring yourself and those ethereal beings who guide you and embrace you. Listening is an act of respect, and when you listen, you act in gratitude.
10) Simplify
Who needs all that clutter? Not I, said the cat. It’s easy to distract ourselves with things we don’t need and avoid what we already have. Have you ever had an abundance of beauty products? Dresses? Little objects that end up in your junk drawer anyway? Have you ever seen someone throw trash out their window? When we buy things we don’t need (and yes, all of us do it) we forget to be grateful for what we have. It ends up being a cycle of (possibly mild) gluttony. When people desecrate the environment, they are not being grateful for what Gaia has given them. When you understand your worth, the importance of what you already have and what you’ve been given, and take care of those things, you act in gratitude. Simplify your life. Take out the clutter. It’s all going to end up in the junk drawer anyway!
In Closing
All gratitude is spiritual gratitude because it tends to your spirit – your breath that brings light and love into tangible form. Gratitude comes from within and it’s not something you can buy or sell, it’s something you practice and gift, which starts the never-ending cycle of abundance. Gratitude is so powerful, it can change the world. Start by being grateful with what you have, then spread the love until the whole world catches your magic.
The Mystic Gypsy

Friday, March 1, 2019

Make this your year. LOVE

Let this year be your year ...
- to let go of energies not serving you. That means people, places, and things. You are not a tree. You don't have to stay where you are indefinitely. All things are cyclical and if something has come to the end of its cycle, wish it well and move forward.
- to stop worrying and caring about things that don't matter. That means if the thing you're worried about isn't going to matter in 7 days or 7 months then stop giving it energy right now. Only worry about things that truly matter.
- to have boundaries. People can have part of you but not all of you. And you decide how far in you let people. If someone is hurting you, tighten up their access. No one should have all of you but you.
- to embrace who you are and shine brightly. Not everyone is going to like you or agree with you. But that doesn't mean you don't have an absolute divine right to be who you are and express yourself fully in the ways you feel called to.
- to give up judging other people and making assumptions about who they are or what they should be doing to please you. Other people are not here to fix you or solve your problems, or to live or be the way you think they should. Focus on yourself. You are the only person you can change.
- to tame your mind. Racing thoughts? Thank them and release them. Your thoughts are not always accurate and your mind is not always your friend. You rule your mind, not the other way around, and sometimes it needs a time out.
- to embrace your dreams. When else are you going to pursue that passion you've had on the back burner forever? Stop making excuses this year. Just do it. You are not going to be more motivated, or younger, or smarter next year.
- to appreciate your body. Your body has gotten you here and it deserves your gratitude. Nourish it with good food and sacred medicine, and stop punishing it and apologizing for it. Give it an orgasm once in a while πŸ™‚. And lots of TLC.
- to love deeply. Touch your spouse more often, hug your kids a little tighter. Forgive more easily. No one needs more harshness in their lives. They need softness and you can offer it, and you should to those who deserve it.
- to completely release the past. Stop carrying that big old suitcase of shit around with you like you're about to board a trauma plane. Why are you still holding on to that shit? I guarantee whoever you are resentful of or angry at has already moved on. And so should you.
- to heal your inner child. Maybe your parents screwed up everything for you. Maybe they did. But you are the grownup now. Your house, your rules. And that inner child inside of you needs only YOUR loving attention, no one else's, in order to heal.
- to stop making your problems other people's problems. In fact, I'd urge you to stop playing the old record of your problems over and over. Pick a new song. Write a new one.
- to live with intention. Every day, choose an intention for the day and live it boldly. What is your intention right now? Speak it and embody it.

Make this your year ❤ The commitment begins now, and the results will change your life. Amen, A'ho, So it is.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Transmuting... I love knowing

As I speak in affirmations, I infuse my life with pure positive radiant intention and the universal flow aligns perfectly in every moment.

I love knowing that life is always unfolding in its own divine perfection even when my human mind can't understand it. I love knowing that I can clear my auric field, my causal field, my astral field... my energetic field... I love knowing that lower vibrational energies can be easily transmuted into light. I love knowing that I can use the power of my imagination and visualization to literally create my future self and merge into that reality. I love knowing that I get to choose my actions based out of love, not fear. I love being able to self reflect. I love knowing that divine love permeates all of existence. I love waking up to the truth that I can shift my perception which shifts my own inner world and then my outer world begins to change. I love being the most powerful positive influence in my life. I love embodying my dreams. I love that I don’t wait for the perfect time, I act now in inspired action. I love knowing that with my choice of mindset and intention ~ I can energetically clear blockages and pave a pathway of possibility for all future moments.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Ever Expanding Awareness

Many things have been revealing themselves in a deep way lately. One lesson that is continuously making itself known in my life, is the truth that our intuition is our internal navigating system. So many times we try to quiet our intuition by using rational or conjuring up some explanation why we should go against our intuition~ and I’m curious how many of you would agree that when we do this so often we pull ourselves out of alignment. It is my personal belief that this can manifest when we have an internal desire to make everyone feel loved and accepted... but the truth is some energies are not in harmony with ours, and it doesn’t make us mean or hateful when we disallow these energies into our life.... our intuition is always showing us that truth. 
Today I am thankful for my awareness that is ever expanding πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’—

Intuition: a process that gives us the ability to know something directly without analytic reasoning, bridging the gap between the conscious and nonconscious parts of our mind, and also between instinct and reason